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Uncertainty around funding in the aftermath of Brexit, the introduction of academies, the possible return of grammar schools, and SATS tests are all causing upheaval in the education sector. Meanwhile, developments in digital technology have been revolutionising everything from teaching to research – with virtual teaching aids, online lectures and drones for field research becoming popular – making this a fascinating time to be involved. 

The schools, colleges and universities that succeed in the long term will be those that successfully navigate the multiple changes in the sector, while making the most of the new technology at their disposal.

Why choose us?

We offer a range of relevant covers to education clients, including Commercial Combined, Property, Employers’ Liability and Motor Fleet. Our in-depth experience allows us to provide cover for even the most challenging risks and situations, such as abuse in secondary schools.

Relevant products

We offer up to 18 different covers – all of which we are expert in – making our Commercial Combined package one of the most comprehensive available in the UK market. We have in-depth experience of working with clients in the education sector.

Read more about Commercial Combined

We cover educational establishments in the UK and Ireland for their duties under the Employers’ Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969 to insure against liability for bodily injury or disease sustained by employees. Our extensive liability experience and our knowledge of the education sector allow us to consider more complex or unusual risks.

Read more about Employers' Liability

Effective protection against liabilities arising from claims for damage or injury brought by third parties is a must for any educational establishment. We can cover organisations across the UK and Ireland for Public, Product and Pollution Liability claims, with a range of extensions available, including Financial Loss, Excess Auto Liability, and Incidental Errors and Omissions.

Read more about General Liability

Our Professional Indemnity insurance protects individuals who provide advice from bearing the cost of claims for negligence, and from paying damages awarded against them. Our underwriters have the flexibility to adjust cover to suit individual circumstances, which can be helpful in a rapidly changing sector.

Read more about Professional Indemnity

Our flexible Property insurance offers protection from damage to your organisation’s physical assets, as well as any resulting disruption to your business. As we understand you often need quick decisions when arranging Property cover, we put you in direct contact with underwriters with full authority to make decisions.

Read more about Property

We’ve been providing Motor Fleet cover since 1927. We offer cover to fleets in the UK and Ireland for their legal liabilities to others, as well as own damage, if required. Our technical expertise, customer-focused service and strategic risk management advice have established us as a market leader.

Read more about Motor Fleet

Our Medical Malpractice policy covers medical professionals for claims arising from a failure to provide medical treatment, or negligence when providing treatment. This cover can be packaged with other covers such as Public Liability.

Read more about Medical Malpractice

We protect companies in the life science and clinical research sector against the cost of claims for damage or injuries caused by pharmaceuticals, medical devices or clinical trials. Our expert team can offer a wide range of covers, including Product Liability, Public Liability, Employers’ Liability and Clinical Trials Compensation.

Read more about Life Science Liability

Your contact

Your contact

David Jones

David Jones

Director of Underwriting - UK Property & Packaged

+44 20 7105 5643


