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Casualty & Construction Risk Solutions

Our casualty & construction Risk Solutions team is here to help you positively influence your organisation’s safety, health, liability and construction risk profile, with the aspiration of reducing the likelihood of incidents and mitigating their overall impact when they do occur, with the resultant significant financial benefits associated with reduced lost time incidents

What you can expect from us

Our specialist casualty risk management experts have the skills, experience and insight to help you understand and quantify your exposures. This empowers you to make informed decisions on eliminating, reducing, mitigating, or living with those risks, building resilience into your business.

Our solutions are designed to help you prevent injury and ill health within the workplace and to your workforce, to protect the public, your product liability exposure and to prevent damage to third-party property.

Our services

Our starting point is to understand your exposures, claims profile and the issues which keep you awake at night. We will ask for key information associated with your risk management arrangements and establish a baseline risk profile to inform our ongoing support so that it is targeted at the key issues with greatest impact.

We offer risk management support including:

Risk Control Surveys

Our Risk Control Surveys are often the starting point for further interaction with our customers. This provides us with the insights, data and intelligence to often inform the rest of your risk management programme and support we can provide.

We use a detailed survey approach – following a carefully structured, hazard-based assessment protocol that addresses all the key issues that give rise to claims across Employers’ Liability, Public Liability and Product Liability, and for our Construction clients, across construction exposures.

Claims Risk Resilience Reviews

Our initial triage may highlight that support is needed around the claims risk management process and that our best starting point will be to stress test your incident risk management arrangements to help to prepare for any future claims.


We are able to deliver bespoke client training workshops utilising in-house skills and independent industry specialists including:

  • Key exposures and the business case for change
  • The liability claims environment and legal framework
  • Claims defensibility

In particular, our unique accident investigation modular training programme can allow customers to pick and mix your modules to complement your own internal training programmes. This includes our unique “Golden Hour” training available as an eLearning module for your management teams.

Effective Supervision Framework

Recognising the importance of this safety critical position, QBE have developed a supervision framework and we can lead customers through the five key stages of effective supervision, intrinsically and methodically enabling you to assess your organisation’s inherent approach to supervision.

High Impact Low Probability Reviews

Conventional Risk Control Surveys focus on the widely evidenced and defined aspects of claims exposure, focusing on the relatively low risk but high frequency areas of claims.  Whereas our high hazard approach focuses on high hazards – the low frequency events that, if materialised, could be catastrophic to an organisation. 

Risk Management Self-assessments

QBE self-assessments are accessible through our innovative risk management customer digital interface and enables our customers to undertake the self-assessments quickly and easily. The purpose of the self-assessment process is to review your organisation’s risk management activity to generate valuable feedback and recommendations to improve your risk profile. Each risk improvement provides signposting to QBE toolkits, QBE guidance in the form of Risk Insights and Risk Essentials, and to other useful online risk management resources. Self-assessments have been developed for a range of key claims drivers and topics.

Risk Management Toolkits

Working with topic risk management specialists, we have built a series of risk management toolkits to share leading practice with our customers and to support your efforts to continually improve your risk management around the key claims topics.  For some, the toolkits will support the implementation of recommendations we’ve made through our surveys and reviews; for others, it will provide “food for thought” and a starting point for further discussion and risk management development.

Minds in Business

There has never been a better time for you to consider your mental health and wellbeing strategies with rates of absenteeism and presenteeism on the rise and workforces across the country affected. The issue is costing businesses billions of pounds, but QBE is here to help with an innovative solution developed in conjunction with Mind and Anker & Marsh.

Human error is the hidden claims driver that is not recorded, but our research indicates customers with mentally resilient workforces will have fewer accidents and an improved claims profile when compared to those who don't.

Organisations engaging with the self-assessment tool are posed a number of questions designed to consider your strategic approach. Once the process has been completed, you are provided with a bespoke risk improvement plan along with a proposed timeframe for completion. This will enable you to evaluate where you are on your mental health journey and identify areas for improvement. The risk improvement plan will signpost you to a suite of resources and guidance, a large proportion of which is provided by our specialist partner provider panel.

Casualty Risk Solutions Brochure

Casualty Risk Solutions Brochure

Risk Solutions brochure summarising risk management proposition elements for our casualty customers


Find out more

Case studies

Risk standards and guidance

Risk Issues on the QBE Blog

Resilience Articles

Your contact

Your contact

David Dexter

David Dexter

Risk Solutions Practice Leader - Casualty & Construction

+44 20 7105 4514

Award winning team

Our Casualty and Construction Risk Solutions Team has won 'Risk Team of the Year' at the IIRSM Risk Excellence Awards 2023.