QBE European Operations

Offering you Proactive Rehabilitation
At QBE we provide bespoke, cost-effective rehabilitation services. We provide proactive support and specialist medical care to help employees recover and return to work quickly and sustainably after an injury has occurred.
We help our customers, underwriters, risk managers, and brokers with a range of rehabilitation and occupational health matters, such as rehabilitation best practice, injury management guidance and return to work processes.
We are QBE EO’s Rehabilitation Team
Our in-house Rehabilitation team are all qualified clinicians, with a wealth of experience in various settings across different disciplines, including technical expertise in relation to the rehabilitation process.
We help provide best practice injury guidance to customers and our claims teams from our experience, to achieve sustainable recovery back to work for our injured parties and optimise claims outcomes. We utlise our onboarded, trusted rehabilitation service providers, liaising closely with them to give the best care.

Our Vision, Early Intervention
We take a proactive approach to rehabilitation, and early intervention is at the core of what we do.
We strive to encourage and promote referral to our services as quickly as possible post-accident. This enables us to provide swift, appropriate support, which helps people get back to work promptly, as well as reducing claims costs.
Introducing rehabilitation as early as possible promotes faster and sustainable recovery for employees, alongside many additional benefits to your business. In the event of a claim, we can assist with effective injury management, while also enhancing claims profiling and accurate reserving.
Early intervention helps maintain positive communication with injured employees, as well as unions and regulators, enhancing your brand and driving improved risk management right across your business.
In short, it helps make your business stronger.
Early Referral, with QBE Return+
Our market leading pre-claim rehabilitation service QBE Return+ offers early, proactive intervention that expedites sustainable recovery and return to work for your injured employees.
Employee absence after a workplace incident can result in significant impacts on your business. Managing injuries, conducting accident investigations, and replacing absent staff are just a few of the factors to consider, however QBE Return+ can help reduce the impact of injuries and absence.
Click the below to make a referral for pre-claim, rehabilitation support, or contact us QBEReturn@uk.qbe.com to learn more.

Our Services

QBE Return +


Post Claim Rehabilitation

Early Intervention Rehabilitation With QBE Return+

FAQs QBE Return+

Claims Process Flow QBE Return+
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Contact the QBE Rehab team
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