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QBE expands Warranty & Indemnity insurance to Nordics

With the Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) market in the Nordics in recovery, demand for solutions to manage transactional risks is increasing. 

QBE is expanding its Warranty & Indemnity (W&I) presence to the region; the commercial insurer has recruited Samuel Pihl to the newly created local role of transactional liability underwriter at QBE Nordics.

After a period of uncertainty, the Swedish M&A market is showing signs of recovery. According to EY, 387 deals were completed in Sweden in the fourth quarter of 2024, a 9% increase from the previous year. And according to Swedish financial newspaper Dagens Industri, investment banks expect a continued increase in M&A activities in 2025, driven by further interest rate cuts, more IPOs and a high level of capital preparedness.

In parallel, the transaction landscape has become more complex. Technical expertise and insurance capabilities are becoming increasingly important to manage uncertainties and provide peace of mind for transaction partners. This has led to an increased demand for tailored insurance solutions that strengthen the predictability of business deals.

W&I - an established solution for today's transactions

W&I insurance is used to protect buyers and sellers against unexpected warranty breaches and other transaction obligations. By reducing uncertainty in contracts, it can contribute to smoother negotiations and provide increased security for investors and companies.

“More companies are reviewing their strategies, some to strengthen supply chains and others to take advantage of new technology, while venture capital firms are increasing their activity. With a more sophisticated transaction environment, there is increased need for technical expertise and capacity to analyse and manage risks effectively," says Gunnar Blomqvist, QBE Nordic Underwriting Manager.

Local expertise for the Nordic market

To meet the growing need for insurance solutions for transactional risk, QBE is expanding its W&I presence to the Nordics.

The commercial insurer has recruited Samuel Pihl to the newly created role of Transactional Liability underwriter, QBE Nordics. Samuel combines solid experience from both the insurance industry and the legal sector, having worked on corporate transactions at one of Sweden’s leading law firms. Taking up his position in Stockholm on 10 March, he will underwrite W&I insurance for the Nordics, leveraging QBE's global capabilities in this domain.

Toria Lessman, Global Head of Transactional Liability at QBE, said, “With a growing M&A market and transactions that are more complex, predictability and security have never been more important. We are pleased to bring our global capabilities and local expertise to the Nordics region, equipping our broker partners and clients with transaction solutions that meet business needs.”

It follows more expansion for the W&I team at QBE, with last month’s announcement that Francisco Castro Yebra joined the London team.

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