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Directors’ and Officers’ Liability

With regulators and stakeholders increasingly inclined to hold individuals to account when things don’t go to plan, having comprehensive Directors’ and Officers’ cover in place is more important than ever.

Directors’ and Officers’ (D&O) Liability insurance covers directors and officers for financial losses arising from actual or alleged wrongful acts. It includes cover for defence costs and expenses, investigation costs and extradition costs.

Increasing regulatory enforcement

With an increasing trend for regulators and stakeholders to hold directors and officers personally responsible when problems arise, their personal assets are at stake. And while the liability of a company is limited, a director's liability is unlimited. That’s why D&O cover is so important in today’s business world when it comes to attracting and retaining key people.

Understanding your organisation

Forming strong relationships is important to us and we always make time to meet our customers to discuss key risk areas. We feel it is only by getting to know your company from the inside that we can gain a full appreciation of the risk factors involved, as well as gathering the information we need for the underwriting process.

Modified to your requirements

Our underwriters are very experienced and have full authority to make decisions, so they can put together tailored cover that works for your company’s specific requirements quickly and effectively. We are also able to offer additional covers, such as separate limits of indemnity for non-executive directors; cover for share offerings made during the policy period; and cover for spouses.

Expert claims support

Claims for D&O can stem from a wide range of sources. Our experienced team is used to dealing with a very wide range of claims and takes a pragmatic, flexible approach to resolving them promptly and effectively. As well as helping in the event of a claim, we offer useful pre-claim advice about how to minimise your exposures.

Complementary covers

We can offer Directors’ and Officers’ cover as a standalone policy, or as part of a package of Financial Lines covers, including Pension Trustees’ Liability and Commercial Crime.

Your contact

Your contact

Carly Eveniss

Carly Eveniss

Portfolio Manager

+44 20 3465 3077