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Emma Baldwin

Emma Baldwin is a Claims Controller and Solicitor at QBE and has been with the company since 2015. Her interest in policy wording led her to being seconded onto the legal team and she now hopes the two departments will work together more closely

What was your background before joining QBE?

I’m a Solicitor and was in private practice (working for several panel firms which we still use at QBE). I undertook a secondment with an insurance company while I was still in private practice. This ignited my interest in the commercial side of insurance and I particularly enjoyed seeing cases through from the beginning to the end. The secondment led to me looking for other roles at insurance companies. The job at QBE was advertised and seemed to fit the bill.


You recently completed a secondment to the legal team. How did that come about?

The claims and legal departments haven’t historically worked closely together. However, I have always had an interest in policy wording and how every word counts and so wanted to gain more knowledge in this area. This wasn’t a formal secondment – I asked for the opportunity and QBE made it possible.


What did you learn from the secondment?

It had its challenges as the legal team work in a fast-paced and ever evolving environment but I enjoyed the attention to detail and analytical approach. I believe that claims and legal could work more closely together and that’s something that will hopefully happen more going forward and something I can be involved in.


What makes your role at QBE fulfilling?

Being able to see cases through from the beginning right to the end is important to me. I like finding out more about different areas of insurance and how they operate. Having a broader view on the industry is interesting and my legal background means I bring additional skills to the team


What challenges have you faced during your career?

I’ve been on maternity leave twice during my time at QBE and now work three days a week. QBE is supportive and allows me to be flexible, but I do think that part-time working can bring challenges in some roles.

As the secondment I undertook was not a formal secondment, this also came with its own set of challenges and I think this is an area the business still needs to improve on. For example, co-ordinating start dates, overall management for the purposes of the year-end review etc. I think it’s also important for the team you will be seconded into to have a clear purpose for the secondee.


How would you like to develop your career further going forwards?

I would like to continue to develop my knowledge of insurance through experience with other departments and insurance examinations in the future.


What advice would you offer to someone starting out on a career at QBE?

Get to know the insurance industry and which areas interest you. The opportunity to move around and gain experience is there if you’re open to it. Speak to people and establish connections to inform your career moves and don’t be afraid to ask for things. I was interested in the legal department because of my background, so I requested a secondment. I will be able to use the knowledge gained during my time with legal in my claims role and overall, it was good to interact with another part of the business and see how differently they work.