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Natural Resources Insurance

We recognise the importance of energy in all our lives, but also that many communities are still striving for basic energy security. This brings a set of responsibilities to balance these social considerations with the supply of stable and affordable energy and dependencies across global markets for energy, capital, raw materials and technology.

We recognise the importance of energy in all our lives, but also that many communities are still striving for basic energy security. This brings a set of responsibilities to balance these social considerations with the supply of stable and affordable energy and dependencies across global markets for energy, capital, raw materials and technology.

Building long-term relationships

We believe in the value of building long-term relationships, many of which – for us and our customers – are measured in decades. As we build these relationships, we seek to use our knowledge and loss-adjusting expertise to support our customers when they face adversity and to help them recover from disruption.

We recognise that the shift from oil and gas to more sustainable energy is a vast undertaking and is taking place at differing paces across the global economy.

As farsighted partners, we know that consistency and reliability are always better than short‐term gain. And while markets are often volatile and uncertain, at QBE we will always strive to ensure our relationships are based on stability and consistency.

We know that an innovative approach to risk can make the difference between success and failure. Using our extensive experience and commercial expertise, we come up with creative solutions.

This makes us the perfect partner to help energy companies of all shapes and sizes, all over the world, complete a stable transition towards a lower-carbon future, while satisfying the demands of today.

Cover around the globe

From our bases in London, Singapore, Houston and New Orleans, we underwrite a range of activities, from exploration, production and drilling to transportation, refining, petrochemicals, LNG operations and renewables.

Every customer matters to us – and we aim to be always available, flexible and responsive to individual needs.

Our commitment to our customers doesn’t end with providing bespoke insurance products. At QBE, we have built our reputation around an ability to help businesses grow and adapt.

Claims: fair and fast

When it comes to claims, our priority is to get you back on track as fast as possible after you’ve suffered a loss. We aim to be fair and transparent. That includes how we manage the largest settlements in the energy sector. We’ll support you through every stage in the process.

We have successfully led the settlement of a number of the world’s largest and most complex oil and gas claims, and we pride ourselves on having settled one of the industry’s most significant claims within seven days of the event occurring.

We have an excellent record for paying claims. As one of the world’s leading insurers, rated A+ by S&P’s, we have the financial strength and security to deliver on the promises we make.

Which is why many of the world’s leading and largest energy companies trust the management of their risks to QBE, some for more than 20 years.

Supporting the transition to a lower-carbon economy

Whilst the energy sector has always been adept at responding to change, we are excited to play our part by supporting your business in the transition to a lower-carbon economy in the coming years.

The complete package

We can provide Upstream Oil and Gas, Refining Petrochemicals & Mid-stream, and Oil and Gas Liability covers on a standalone basis or as part of a package, with additional covers.  Find out more about our products.

QBE Natural Resources Insurance

QBE Natural Resources Insurance

The brochure outlines QBE's Natural Resources proposition


What we offer

We protect many of the world’s leading production and exploration companies, drilling contractors, and service companies. Whether you are a major international oil company, a national oil company, a drilling/service contractor or a growing independent, we have the team and products to meet your needs.

We can cover risks including physical loss/damage, loss of production/business interruption, control of well, construction all risks and delay in start up. As one of the participants in the Chrysalis Excess OIL product, we also provide excess cover for participants in the OIL mutual.

We protect owners and operators of refineries, petrochemical plants, gas processing and LNG operations, pipelines and storage/terminal operations, and other downstream assets, against the financial impact of physical damage/loss – and against loss of revenue following an insured event.

We cover many of the world’s leading companies in the energy sector against the full range of legal and contractual liabilities to which their operations can leave them exposed, including sudden and accidental pollution.

Your contact

Your contact

Kevin Shallow

Kevin Shallow

Executive Director, International Markets